A new representation of orientable 2-manifold polygonal surfaces for geometric modeling

Published in Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2006

Abstract: Many graphics and computer-aided design applications require that the polygonal meshes used in geometric computing have the properties of not only 2-manifold but also are orientable. In this paper, by collecting previous work scattered in the topology and geometry literature, we rigorously present a theoretical basis for orientable polygonal surface representation from a modern point of view. Based on the presented basis, we propose a new combinatorial data structure that can guarantee the property of orientable 2-manifolds and is primal/dual efficient. Comparisons with other widely used data structures are also presented in terms of time and space efficiency.

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Recommended citation: Yong-Jin Liu, Kai Tang, Ajay Joneja (2006) A new representation of orientable 2-manifold polygonal surfaces for geometric modeling. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp.1578-1588, 2006.